Welcome to your C# Practice Test 1. This test can be taken unlimited times. Signed in users can have their scores saved to be viewed later. Questions will be randomly displaying each test. Good luck!

1. C# is…
2. Which of the following are types of loop in C#?
3. in C#, Array...
4. An abstract member can be invoked in C#
5. What is Jagged Array in C#?
6. How the "Not Equal" operator is presented in C#?
7. In C#, StringBuilder is mutable
8. In C#, A Struct...
9. How the "AND” Operator is represented in C#?
10. in C#, a Delegate...
11. The keyword “this” can inside a static method in C#?
12. A struct can be inherited in C#
13. In C#, a Class...
14. What is stored in Heap?
15. What is sealed Modifier?
16. In C#,We may get error in finally block.

Assume that i is an integer. What is the correct syntax to compare the value of I?
18. Which is the base class in .NET from which all the classes are derived from?
19. Dataset is a disconnected representation of data
20. C#is a managed code.
21. In C#, the keyword "Const" …
22. A sealed class cannot be inherited
23. Which of the following are error types in C#?
24. How to declare an integer pointer in C#?
25. String builders inherits from the class ISerializable

Last modified: February 27, 2018


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