Below is a simple function that takes one string argument and returns the word count in that string. In this function, we will use the following VB.NET built-in function:

  • UBound: a function that returns the highest subscript for the indicated dimension of an array.
  • Split: a function that splits strings. It extracts the substrings from the string that are delimited by a delimiter.
  • Trim: a function that takes a string and returns it without leading or trailing spaces, if any.
  • Replace: a function that replaces a specified part of a string with another string a determined number of times.


Function wordCount(ByVal str As String)
    Dim NumberOfWordAs Integer
    result = UBound(Split(Trim(Replace(str, Space(2), Space(1))))) + 1
    Return NumberOfWord
End Function

Now call this function from a button click event:


Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    MessageBox.Show("Total Word Count is " & countwords("Get words count in a string using VB.NET"))
End Sub

And the result:

WordCount vbnet

Last modified: March 8, 2019


Dale Haeck 

thanks for giving the useful information

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