Get words count in a string using VB.NET

Below is a simple function that takes one string argument and returns the word count in that string. In this function, we will use the following VB.NET built-in function: UBound: a function that returns the highest subscript for the indicated dimension of an array. Split: a function that splits strings. It extracts the substrings from... » read more

Create an Auto-complete ComboBox using VB.NET

This tutorial will teach you how to create an auto-complete ComboBox in a WinForm application. Auto-complete ComboBox is very useful when there are too many items in it. Auto-complete ComboBox using VB.NET First, we need to create a SQL Server database: Design View Data View Related Auto-Complete ComboBox Using C# Now open visual studio and... » read more

Bind an ADO.NET DataTable to a TreeView using VB.NET

In this example, we will teach you how to bind a TreeView using a DataTable in Vb.NET. First, create a WinForm Project in Visual Studio, Select Vb.NET as the language. Then, add a TreeView control to the main form. DataBase And the Code: VB.NET Sub BindTreeView() Dim connetionString = "Data Source=TutorialsPanel-DB\SQLEXPRESS; Initial Catalog=TutorialsPanel;Integrated Security=True;" Dim... » read more

Bind an ADO.NET DataTable to a ListBox using VB.NET

The example below shows us how to bind a ListBox using vb.NET. The ListBox comes from System.Windows.Controls namespace. It’s a list of items that can be selected. First, create a new Visual Studio Project using VB.NET, then add a list box control to the main form as shown below: For this example we will use... » read more